
before treatment

during treatment after 1 month

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid buildup of skin cells and produces plaques of thickened, scaly skin. The dry flakes of silvery-white skin scales result from the excessively rapid proliferation of skin cells.

Causes and Symptoms


While scientists do not know what exactly causes psoriasis, we do know the immune system and genetics play key roles. The genetics of psoriasis are complex, and it is possible to develop psoriasis even if you have no family history of the disease. A triggering event may cause a change in the immune system, resulting in the onset of psoriasis symptoms. Common triggers for psoriasis include stress, illness (particularly strep infections), injury to the skin and certain medications.

Sign and symptoms

Rashes or patches of red, inflamed skin, often covered with loose, silver-colored scales; in severe cases, the plaques will grow and merge into one another, covering large areas.

Itchy, painful skin that can crack or bleed

Small areas of bleeding where the involved skin is scratched.

Problems with your fingernails and toenails, including discoloration and pitting; the nails may also begin to crumble or detach from the nail bed.

Scaly plaques on the scalp


Types of Psoriasis


Pustular psoriasis –

which causes red and scaly skin with tiny pustules on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Guttate psoriasis –

which often starts in childhood or young adulthood, causes small, red spots, mainly on the torso and limbs. Triggers may be respiratory infections, strep throat, tonsillitis, stress, injury to the skin, and taking antimalarial and beta-blocker medications.

Inverse psoriasis –

which makes bright red, shiny lesions that appear in skin folds, such as the armpits, groin, and under the breasts.

Erythrodermic psoriasis –

which causes fiery redness of the skin and shedding of scales in sheets. It’s triggered by severe sunburn, infections, certain medications, and stopping some kinds of psoriasis treatment. It needs to be treated immediately because it can lead to severe illness.


Physical examination

Most doctors are able to make a diagnosis with a simple physical exam. Symptoms of psoriasis are typically evident and easy to distinguish from other conditions that may cause similar symptoms.


If the symptoms are unclear or if your doctor wants to confirm their suspected diagnosis, they may take a small sample of skin for biopsy.

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    General Management of Psoriasis

    PREVENT dry skin – itching and flaking can make psoriasis look and feel worse, so it is essential to keep skin moisturized.

    avoid sugary food

    take more liquid

    Homeopathic Treatment

    Homoeopathic treatment is very effective eczema. homoeopathic medicines treats psoriasis without any side effects and in a natural way.



    Homeopathic Medicine

    Homeopathy is a safe and reliable method of treatment for Psoriasis.

    Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis are Arsenic Album, Graphites Naturalis, and Arsenic Iodatum, mezerium, merc .sol etc