acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells . Acne lesions heal slowly and when one begins to resolve other seems to crop up.


Acne typically appears on face , neck, chest, back and shoulders which are the areas on skin, with the largest number of functional oil glands.

1. Hormones :- Androgens are hormones that increases in boys & girls during puberty & cause the sebaceous gland to enlarege & make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy and the use of oral ootraceptives can also affect sebum production.
2. Certain Medication:- Drugs containing corticosteroids, androgens or lithium are known to cause acne.
3. DIET:- certain dietary factors including dairy qraducts and carbohydrate rich foods such as bread bagels & chiqs which increases blood sugar may trigger acne.

RISK FACTORS :- Hormonal changes in your body can provoke or aggravates acme such changes are common in-
~Women & girls 2 to 7 day before their periods.
~Pregnant woman
~People using certain medication including those containing corticosteroid androgens or lithium.
~Other risk factors include-
Direct contact with greasy or oily substances or to certain cosmetics applied directly to the skin.
Family history
Friction or pressure on skin caused by various items such as telephone or cellphone, helmets,tight collars and backpacks.
Stress may aggravate acne.

Types of ACNE

COMEDONES ( WHITEHEADS AND BLACK HEADS) They appear when the opening of hair follicles gets clogged and blocked with oil secretion , dead skin cells and sometimes with bacterias .
When comedones open at the skin surface , they are called black heads because of dark appearance of the plug in the hair follicles .
When comedones are closed , they are called whiteheads. Slightly raised skin coloured bumps.

PAPULES are small raised bumps that signal inflammation or infection in the hair follicle. Papules may appear red and tender.
PUSTULES ( PIMPLES) ARE RED , tender bumps with white pus at their tips.
NODULES are large solid , painful , lumps beneath the surface of skin .They are formed by the build up of secretion deep within hair follicles.

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    General Management of ACNE

    Acne Treatment work by reducing oil production speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacterial infection,reducing the inflame or doing all four.

    The following self care techniques
    1)Wash problem areas with a gentle cleanser :-excessive washing and scrubbing also can irritate skin.

    2)Try over the counter acne lotion to dry excess oil and promote peeling :- product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredient

    3)Avoid irritants :- Avoid oil or greasy cosmetic sunscreens hairstyling products.Use products labelled as water based or non- comedogenic.

    4)Watch what touches your face :- keep your hair clean and off your face.

    5)Don’t risk or squeeze blemishes :- risking or squeezing can cause infection or scarring.


    ~wash acne prone areas only twice a day with gentle cleanser & use oil free water based skin care product.
    ~Use an over the counter acne cream or gel to help dry excess oil.
    ~Avoid heavy foundation makeup- choose powder cosmetics over cream products because they are less irritating .
    ~Remove make up before going to bed
    ~wear loose-fitting clothing.
    ~Shower after exercising or doing strenuous work.


    Homeopathic Treatment

    homoeopathy is effective in the treatment of acne as it treats from the roots of disease and promotes complete cure.

    Homeopathic Medicine




    hepar sulph




    Natrum Muriaticum

    Other medicines